Viktoria Postnikova, Elizaveta Mazalova, Alexander Bakhchiev, Maria Yudina, Sergei Kasprov
罕有輯錄5位俄羅斯鋼琴名家,包括俄羅斯殿堂級傳奇女傑: 尤金娜 (Maria Yudina)/ Viktoria Postnikova / Elizaveta Mazalova/ Alexander Bakhchiev/ Sergei Kasprov 之精彩演繹
Porte-en-seigne Polka
Souvenir d'enfance No. 1
Scherzo in C Sharp minor
Children’s Games: No. 1, Corners. Scherzo
Impromptu passionné
Intermezzo in modo classico
From Memories of Childhood
La Caprisieuse on a theme of Count L Heyden
On the southern shore of the Crimea (Gurzuf)
Une Larme (A Tear)
Meditation (Album Leaf)
In the Village
Near the southern shore of the Crimea (Capriccio)
Sorochintsy Fair
Mussorgsky, Feinberg: Songs and Dances of Death: Serenade
Mussorgsky, Khudolei: Night on Bald Mountain