Genius Unity Int’l Ltd. 群英國際有限公司
Established in 1997, Genius Unity was Hong Kong branch company of Sunrise Records Taiwan, and started to run independently in Hong Kong from 1999 by elites from the music industry. Music labels Sunrise Music and Grandview Culture were then launched for different music genres and businesses.
成立於1997年,前身為台灣上揚唱片香港公司。 1999年正式脫離母公司,由香港及台灣唱片業界精英合力接管,獨立成為以香港為基地的唱片公司,先後分別創建了上揚愛樂和大境文化兩個廠牌,劃分不同的音樂經營形式和業務內容。
Sunrise Music 上揚愛樂
Launched in 1999, Sunrise Music is one of the biggest independent record labels in the Greater China, exclusively distributing over 30 global music labels in genres of Classical, Jazz, World, Oldies, Children/ Easy Listening, Int'l Pop, OST, etc. We have consolidated powerful distribution network in the Greater China and Asia-Pacific.
Independent operation branches are setup in Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Taipei, to have effective daily operation and provide comprehensive services. Staffs are experienced and have rich music knowledge. From 2008, showroom has been opened in Tsimshatsui to offer comfortable space to customers for music consumption and experience. Music lovers are welcome to register as our member without fee to enjoy our special VIP offers. In 2023, our showroom renamed as Sunrise Music Record Store officially.
為達到良好的溝通及提供優質服務,上揚愛樂於香港、廣州及台北都設有獨立運作的辦事處,團隊都有著行業多年豐富經驗及音樂知識。2008年,我們在尖沙咀成立上揚愛樂陳列室,提供一個舒適的空間享受獨一無二的音樂和購物樂趣。愛樂迷可免費登記成為會員享有獨家折扣優惠。2023年陳列室正式定名上揚愛樂唱片黑膠專門店。 |
Grandview Culture 大境文化
Grandview Culture is a multi-entertainment brand with diversified businesses of music production, publishing, distribution, artist management and concert/ event operation in the Greater China. We manage artists and repertoire, collaborating with overseas production house for music license and marketing projects of high quality and acoustic recordings, and work closely with Sunrise Music for full range of distribution in the Greater China market.
Meanwhile, Grandview Culture plays the role as exclusive agent or manager of artists from all around the world for concerts, commercial gigs, fan meetings and special events. And we have organized series of classical, jazz music concerts and festivals.
大境文化官方網站: |
Our Team 團隊介紹
André Yen – Managing Director董事總經理
Former Sales Manager of Sunrise Records (Taiwan).
Over thirty years of experience in sales and management of record label.
Full passion for classical music and well knowledge of different music genres.
Connie Cheung – Executive Director執行董事
Former G.M. of China Division of Polygram/ Universal Music based in Hong Kong
Former Head of Shanghai Office of Music Nation/PCCW/Now
Founder and Executive Officer of Grandview Culture
前寶麗金/ 環球唱片中國地區總經理
前大國文化/ PCCW/ Now上海辦公室總監
Akira Cho – Admin Officer行政主任
Crystal Ng – Asst. Marketing Manager助理市場經理
Contact Us 聯繫我們
Head Office & Record Store
香港總辦事處/ 會員陳列室
Unit C, 15/F (Rm. 1503), Wing Kwok Centre, No.182 Woosung Street, Jordan, Kln., H.K
香港九龍佐敦吳松街182號榮國中心15樓C室 (1503室)
**近港鐵佐敦站 C2 出口/ 大廈設有停車場**
Tel 電話: (852) 2620 5130
Fax 傳真: (852) 2620 5733
Whatsapp/ Signal: +852 6206 8926
Order 郵購:
營業時間 :10:00 – 19:00 (Mon – Sat 星期一至六)
(Closed on Sundays & Public Holidays星期日及公眾假期休息)
Logistic Dept. 物流部
Rm. 208, F1, 2/F, 2G Hok Yuen Street,
Phase 1, Hang Fung Ind. Bldg., HungHom, Kln., H.K
Tel. 電話: (852) 3188 0765
Facebook 專頁 |
@sunrisemusichk |
微博帳號 ![]()
微信公眾號 sunrisemusic |
Youtube Channel |
Bilibili 上揚聆感收發站 |
影音號 上揚聆感收發站 |
1525136520 |