- 網上購物 Place Order
- 瀏覽網頁,選定要購買的產品,然後按產品頁面上的<放入購物車>鍵。
Choose your favourite items and press the “put to cart” button on the product pages - 按<購物車>進入訂單頁面*
Press the shopping cart button on the top right corner to access order page - 選擇訂購數量並填寫訂購表格*
Select order quantity and fill in the order form accordingly - 按<發送訂單>鍵結束
Press “place order” button
Selected items will automatically be shown in the shopping cart
Please fill in correct name, contact number, email address, quantity and delivery method to ensure delivery
- 確認訂單 Confirm Order
**發出訂單後暫不用付款** 在我們收到電郵/傳真訂單後,會有專人聯絡閣下,確認訂購貨品名稱、貨品編號、價錢、數量及郵費報價等資料。若遇缺貨,我們會聯絡閣下再作安排。待一切確認後再安排付款。
Please hold on the payment after placing order, we will contact you via email after receiving your order to confirm the order items, price after discount, available quantity and delivery cost, etc. If there is any item out-of-stock, we will contact you for further arrangement.
- 付款方式 Payment Method
Customers can pay by either of below method, we will arrange delivery once payment is received:
銀行 Bank : 恆生銀行 Hang Seng Bank
帳號 A/C No. : 266-250-653-001
*轉帳後必需將入數紙電郵到: order@sunrisemusic.com.hk或傳真: 26205733以確認收款
Please send the remittance advice to us to confirm order by email: order@sunrisemusic.com.hk or fax: 26205733
Paypal account:
Payme/ Wechat Pay: 另行通知 Further notice
- 注意事項 Additional Information
- 選擇本港地區平郵的訂單重量低於500克郵費全免,500克以上則需另行收取郵費,郵費金額以電郵確認為準。
Free of charge for local postage weighed under 500g, for those order weighed above 500g, we will send you the quotation of postage fee for confirmation before mailing - 選擇其他送貨方式,郵資另計
We will charge additional delivery fee for using other delivery method and quote separately - 訂單金額以港幣為結算單位
General order amount is written in HK dollars - 恕不接受期票及現金郵寄
Post-dated cheque and mailing cash to us for payment are not accepted - 訂單一經核實,恕不退款或退換貨品
Once the order is verified, no refund or exchange of goods -
Delivery time varies with different countries, please be patient. And we suggest customers to choose registered post or courier to ensure delivery - 訂購貨品如有非人為損壞,可於收到貨物當日起 7 天內退換
If the goods are damaged by non-artificial factors, they can be exchanged with same titles or title with the same price, within 7 days from the day of receipt of the goods - 本公司保留取消或更改任何訂單之最後決定權
Sunrise Music reserved the rights of final decision
We will charge for the postage fee additionally. Free of charge for package weighed under 500g, for those order weighed above 500g, we will send you the quotation of postage fee for confirmation before mailing.
Tel: +852 2620 5130
Email: order@sunrisemusic.com.hk
Whatsapp: +852 6206 8926