[Pre-order 預訂中] Obrecht 奥布雷赫特: Scaramella


The Binchois Consort, Andrew Kirkman

Hyperion (United Kingdom)

1 BRUMEL Philippe, qui videt me (314] reconstructed by Philip Weller

2 JOSQUIN Scaramella (046)

3 OBRECHT Missa Scaramella (3448)

reconstructed by Fabrice Fitch (with Philip Weller and Paul Kolb)

19 OBRECHT Mater Patris / Sancta Dei genitrix [1454]

reconstructed by Philip Weller

22 FABRICE FITCH Planctus David (228)

23 COMPÈRE Scaramella [107]

24 AGRICOLA Sancte Philippe apostole [415]

