1. Here Comes the Night Over Sleepy Fields
2. Don't Feel Sorry for Us, for We Didn't Feel Sorry for Anyone
3. Day Was Breaking, Day Was Breaking in the Sky
4. O Warrior, You Live By Your Service
5. My Loved One, My Prince, My Fianc
6. Rita's Reminiscence
7. Ah, Crush My Immortality
8. The Girls Got Polina's Gramophone
9. Zhenya, Sing for Us
10. Wait for Me, and I'll Return
11. It's So Good, Isn't It, Girls?
12. Zhenya's Reminiscence
13. Sit Down, Comrade Sergeant Major
14. War, War, War, I'm Beaten By You
15. Watch Out, Take Care!
16. I Can't Make Contact with Them
17. I Married Exactly Before the Finnish War
18. Rita's Entrance
19. Alert
20. Assembly
21. Seeing the Girls Off
1. Introduction
2. On the Lake Shore
3. Scene of Vaskov and Liza
4. Liza's Reminiscence
5. Scene of Vaskov and Sonya
6. Sonya's Reminiscence
7. Germans Are Coming
8. Scene of the Girls and Vaskov and Liza's Departure
9. Liza's Demise
10. Chorus and Scene of the Girls and Vaskov
11. Sonya's Demise
12. Before the Fight
13. The Fight
14. Epilogue