CANCIONEROS DEL SIGLO DE ORO Colombina • Palacio • Medinaceli 黃金時代聲樂作品 (3=2SACD)


La Capella Reial de Catalunya, Hesperion XX, Jordi Savall

Alia Vox (Spain)

沙瓦爾(Jordi Savall) 指揮 
晚星21古樂團 & 加泰隆尼亞合唱團

  • 收錄文藝復興黃金時代的聲樂三大重要手稿作品: Cancionero de la Colombina、Palacio和Medinaceli
  • 卡多納城堡教堂錄製,堂音豐厚,古意盎然
  • 法國原裝進口


The Sevillian Cancionero de la Colombina and Cancionero Musical de Medinaceli are samples of a musical humanism with a distinctly Hispanic stamp, in which the cultured and the popular come together. The Castilian Cancionero de Palacio is the most valuable and representative jewel of the repertoire performed in the itinerant
Courts of the Catholic Kings, including songs, Christmas carols, ballads and‘extravagances’ by authors such as Encina, Millán, Escobar, Anchieta, and Peñalosa. La Capella Reial de Catalunya, Hespèrion XX and Jordi Savall made them known to the world through these famous recordings made between 1991 and 1992.


