Sibelius: Luonnotar | Tapiola | Spring Song | Rakastava | Pelléas and Mélisande 西貝流士: 組曲、交響詩、管弦樂作品 SACD


Lise Davidsen, Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, Edward Gardner

Chandos (United Kingdom)

Lise Davidsen女高音/ Edward Gardner 指揮Bergen愛樂管弦樂團

  • 錄音效果呼之欲出; 豐沛的管弦樂感綿延不絕,令人嘆為”聽”止!!
  • 英國原裝進口,適用所有CD/ SACD播放系統


1. Sibelius: Luonnotar, Op.70
2. Sibelius: Tapiola, Op.112
3. Sibelius: Pelléas and Mélisande, Op.46 i. Vid slottsporten (At the Castle Gate, Prelude to Act I, Scene 1)
4. Sibelius: Pelléas and Mélisande, Op.46 ii. Mélisande (Prelude to Act I, Scene 2)
5. Sibelius: Pelléas and Mélisande, Op. 46 iii. Påstranden vid hafvet (At the Seashore, Melodrama from Act I, Scene 4)
6. Sibelius: Pelléas and Mélisande, Op. 46 iv. Vid en källa i parken (By a Spring in the Park, Prelude to Act II, Scene 1)
7. Sibelius: Pelléas and Mélisande, Op.46 v. De trenne blinda systrar (The Three Blind Sisters, Mélisande's Song from Act III, Scene 2)
8. Sibelius: Pelléas and Mélisande, Op.46 vi. Pastorale (Melodrama from Act III, Scene 4)
9. Sibelius: Pelléas and Mélisande, Op.46 vii. Mélisande vid spinnrocken (Mélisande at the Spinning Wheel, Prelude to Act III, Scene 1)
10. Sibelius: Pelléas and Mélisande, Op.46 viii. Mellanaktsmusik (Entr'acte, Prelude to Act IV, Scene 1)
11. Sibelius: Pelléas and Mélisande, Op.46 ix. Mélisandes död (The Death of Mélisande, Prelude to Act V, Scene 2)
12. Sibelius: Rakastava (The Lover) Op.14 Sibelius: Rakastava (The Lover) Op.14 i. Rakastava
13. Sibelius: Rakastava (The Lover) Op.14 ii. Rakastetun tie (Den älskades väg/The Path of His Beloved).
14. Sibelius: Rakastava (The Lover) Op.14 iii. Hyvää iltaa... Jää hyvästi (God afton... Farväl! / Good Evening!... Farewell!)
15. Sibelius: Vårsång (Spring Song) Op.16

