Baroque Voices 2 - Amiot: Mass of the Jesuits in Beijing


Ensemble Meihua Fleur de Prunius, Musique des Lumières XVIII-21, Jean-Christophe Frisch

naive (France)

Joseph Amiot: Musique sacree
Charles d' Ambleville: Messe des Jesuites a Pekin (Mass of the Beijing Jesuits)
Joseph Amiot: Divertissements chinois, Book 1: Cahier No. 1. Prelude, "Pin, bambou, prunus" - Musique sacree: No. 1. Aspersion de l'eau
Musique sacree: No. 9. Elevation de l'hostie - No. 10. Elevation du calice
Simon Boyleau: Per la Nativita della Beata Vergine (For the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Musique sacree: No. 5. Salve Regina
Simon Boyleau: Per la Nativita della Beata Vergine (For the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Simon Boyleau: Per la Nativita della Beata Vergine (For the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Musique sacree: No. 3. Pater
Joseph Amiot: Communion
Pedrini: Violin Sonata, Op. 3, No. 12, "Nepridi": Adagio
Joseph Amiot: Divertissements chinois, Book 2: Cahier No. 1. Le chant des oies sur leur passage
Joseph Amiot: Ave Maria

