Chagall, The sound of colors 琴畫夏佳爾 DVD


Mikhaïl Rudy

Calliope (France)

  • 法國瑪格麗特隆國際鋼琴大賽金獎得主, 並獲英國《BBC古典音樂》雜誌列為當代最有影響力鋼琴家
  • 一場以琴入畫的音樂響宴, 完美 結合「視覺」;夏佳爾名畫作,佐以「聽覺」: 葛魯克/ 莫札特/ 瓦格納/ 德布西/ 拉威爾 奏鳴曲作品
  • DVD另輯錄<鋼琴家魯迪傳記>; 法國原裝進口


The composers of the ceiling in the Garnier opera house. 

Mikhail Rudy has known Marc Chagall very well. He gave his first concert in West with Rostropovich and Stern in Beethoven’s Triple Concerto for Chagall’s 90th birthday. In close collaboration with the family Chagall, which allowed the use of numerous unknown sketches of the ceiling of the Garnier Opera House, Mikhail Rudy created a unique and original concert project based on the music of Gluck, Mozart, Wagner, Debussy and Ravel...

