WEBER, HUMMEL - Early Romantic Concertos for Clarinet & Trumpet


Eric Aubier, Philippe Cuper

Indesens (France)

胡麥爾: 小號協奏曲/ 韋伯: 3首單簧管協奏曲

  • 曾任巴黎歌劇院首席, 享譽國際小號名家力作
  •  曲韻迷人, 自成一格
  • 法國原裝進口,發燒級錄音


These concertos are the result of the meetings between the major «conductor-composers», who, early XIXth century, travelled around Europe and the courts’ orchestras’ soloists, the virtuoso performers of their era. Bärmann in Munich and Weidinger in Vienna, were the proud patrons of these masterpieces. A com-bination between impressive virtuosity and inspiring new Romanticism. 

Two centuries later, these works are the core of the trumpet as well as the clarinet repertoires. Philippe Cuper and Eric Aubier, both, Opéra de Paris principal soloists, transcend themselves in these pieces with dedication and enthusiasm.

