Sugar, R: Savonarola
Tempo di Tarantella: Labunk furge tancra all (Our feet itch to dance) (Chorus)
L'istesso tempo: Bunos varos! (Wicked city!) (Savonarola, Chorus)
Andante molto: Gond, gyotro szorongas (Our frightened hearts) (Chorus)
Con moto: Bunos varos (Wicked city) (The 3 citizens, Chorus)
Eccitato: Igaz-e a hir? (Can the news be true?) (Chorus)
Adagio: Fojto csend (A stifled silence) (Lorenzo Medici, Savonarola, Chorus)
Con solennita: Habemus papam! (Chorus, Savonarola)
Risoluto: Most meg a papa ellen tamad (Now he attacks the pope) (The 3 citizens, Savonarola, Chorus)
Koldus varos! (City of beggars!) (Chorus 1 and 2, The 3 citizens, Savonarola)
Grave: Ha megbotrankoztat a kezed (If thy hand offends thee) (Children's chorus, Chorus)
Con furore: Ki eddig vak volt lassa vegre (Those who have been blind) (Children's chorus, Chorus 1 and 2, Pope Alexander VI)
Molto lento: Roma szolt (Rome has spoken) (Chorus 1 and 2, Francesco, Savonarola, Domenico, The 3 citizens)
Stentando: Exsurgat Deus (Chorus 1 and 2, The 3 citizens, Domenico, Heralds)
Molto moderato: Jol hallunk? (What do we hear?) (Chorus 1 and 2, The 3 citizens)
Furioso: Felelj, koszos csuhas (Answer, you filthy habit-wearer) (Chorus 1 and 2, Children's chorus, Domenico, Savonarola)