- 內容/錄音媲美銘碟「愚人節(La Folia) 」
- 輯錄23首義大利巴洛克時期即興喜劇音樂, 曲目編排生動趣緻, 古意盎然
- 爆燈級靚聲錄音, 義大利原裝進口
anon.: Ball of the Grand Duke and Dissolved
anon.: What will be what will not be
Zanetti: The Mantua
Biado: Run away
Capirola: Padoana
Vecchi: Even when giving birth
Barbetta: Bergamasca
Willaert: Lewd old women
anon.: Paduana del Re
Willaert: O sweet life of mine
Caroso: Heavenly Lily
Azzaiolo: Anyone passing along this street
Narvaez: Song of the Hyperator
Ruffo, V: Capriccio
Capriccio: I. La, Sol, Fa, D, Mi
Josquin: Mille Regretz
Holborne: Almain, "The Choice"
Azzaiolo: I would like you to sing a song
Lassus: Matona my dear
Janequin: Il estoit une fillette
Monti, D: Improvisation on the Romanesca
Ferrari, Benedetto: Lovers, I can tell you
Locke: Aria and Sarabande
anon.: Beautiful damsel - Passacaglia of life