- 義大利帕爾瑪歌劇院台柱精彩獻聲
- 輯錄義大利五大名家: 羅西尼/唐尼釆第/Capua/Tosti/威爾第 經典;默契一流, 靚聲錄音
- 義大利原裝進口
Rossini: Musical Evenings
Donizetti: Soirees d'autumn a l'Infrascata
Capua: I'd like to see you!
Tosti: Unfortunately
Tosti: The dawn separates the light from the shadow (version for voice and orchestra)
Tosti: Ideal
Verdi: The troubadour, Act III
Verdi: Romances (6), 1845
Green: The exile
Green: Nabucco