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最新推出《鬼馬牛筋高光SHOW》 HQCD會員限量購買優惠

由即日起至2022年12月24日,會員於陳列室可以優惠價HK$150加購最新專輯《鬼馬牛筋高光SHOW》 HQCD一張。數量有限,售完即止。

Members could buy at HK$150@ , started from now until 24th Dec 2022. Limited number offer, while supply last! Offer valid in our showroom for members only.


優惠不得與其他會員優惠一同使用。Other member discount remains the same; single discount offer for each product.

上揚愛樂保留最終決定權 Sunrise Music reserved the rights of final decision