Vincent Lucas - Alone 長笛獨白


Vincent Lucas 長笛

Indesens (France)

  • 來自法國, 現任柏林愛樂成員
  • 曲韻迷人, 自成一格; 曲目包羅: 巴赫/德布西/Poulenc/Ibert/C.P.E. Bach….11位作曲家之長笛獨奏曲
  • 法國原裝進口,發燒級錄音


Bach, Poulenc, Debussy, Hindemith, Honegger, Bozza, Karg-Elert The program chosen by Vincent Lucas pays tribute to two golden eras of the flute, the 18th century and the first part of the 20th century and constitutes a representative overview of the art of the flute through the periods and the diversity of the composers.

