- 連奪Juno Awards、Hamilton Music Awards年度最佳爵士專輯獎
- 白金級三重奏組合:世界爵士鍵琴大師Don Thompson、獲獎吉他大師Reg Schwager、大提琴名家Coenraad Bloemendal精彩伴奏
- 輕快演繹多首耳熟能詳歌曲,包括:《愛麗斯夢遊仙境》In the World of My Own、《木偶奇遇記》When You Wish Upon a Star、《芝麻街》Everybody Sleeps、The Carpenters 名曲Sing等
- 首批頭版贈送精美插畫、Diana可愛童年照明信片一套
1 In a world of my own
2 Alice in wonderland
3 Pure imagination
4 Imagination
5 Sing
6 I'm going to go back there someday
7 The rainbow connection
8 I believe in little things
9 When you wish upon a star
10 Halfway down the stairs
11 Everybody sleeps
12 Sleep is a precious thing
13 Hushabye mountain
14 Slumber my darling
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